Smart Growth: Park City Community Development

February 18th, 2019 | Park City Community

Smart growth in communities is the appropriate balance between economic development and the preservation of the unique scenic character of Park City and the natural and historic resources surrounding the area. Designing neighborhoods and communities for humans, not theoretical objects, produces city planning that facilitates people getting from one place to another without sacrificing their connection with the natural word. To accomplish this, it takes teamwork from all corners of the community: citizens, government, developers, and environmentalists.

Fortunately for Park City, most of the Developers who build here also live here, so they have a vested interest equal to everyone else’s when it comes to protecting the features that make our town such a great place to live. Our design touchstone is to create areas for people to live, work, and unwind within their own neighborhood. By providing office, retail, and restaurant space in close proximity to residential components, P.C. offers local citizens of all age groups a well-rounded array of services within walking distance of their homes. The character of new and redeveloped areas will be vibrant, fresh, and energetic. This will also expand the much needed four-season economic base.

Park City takes smart growth very seriously, evidenced by design guidelines and construction practices utilizing native materials. A significant portion of the renewed community infrastructure has been produced on site to reduce transportation and production impacts. Re-vegetation programs utilize native plants and seeds, eliminating the need for landscaping and fertilizing. New homes are encouraged to use native materials as well, so as to blend into the beautiful landscape. New building projects have been developed with great dedication to maintaining Park City’s poetic beauty and meeting green building’s high standards. We go to great lengths to preserve native plants and trees, recycle top soils, specify sustainable building materials and construct energy-efficient and resourceful dwellings. The result is perhaps a conscientious approach to real estate development.

Stewardship of the land is one of the founding principles of our community, With a large percentage of the community consisting of preserved open space, Park City has a number of nonprofit organizations that act as environmental guardians for the community, ensuring that policies protecting the community’s open spaces and wildlife habitat are upheld.

The key to Smart Growth success is participation. Whether you’re a full or part-time resident, business owner, government official, or developer, your involvement in community development decisions is vital. We at Chin-Fleming-Harris encourage you to join us in maintaining Park City as the best place in the world to call home. As it’s been said, together we stand, divided we sprawl.

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